Parish Ministries

All of our ministry groups welcome newcomers!

Please speak to Rev. Shepherd Munzara is for more information.


Christian Education happens in a variety of ways at St. Stephen’s. In addition to our Sunday morning liturgies, we offer midweek Christian Education groups in the fall and spring. These study groups help us to dig deeper into scripture, and to grow in our relationship with God and other people.

Tech/Sound is a growing ministry at St. Stephen’s in this brave new pandemic world. Men and women of any age with gifts in using computer software and/or sound equipment are encouraged to use those gifts to make our worship and other ministries more accessible to people, wherever they are.

ACW (Anglican Church Women) is a group of women in our church who gather for fellowship and service projects. They keep our kitchen stocked and cared for. They also cater to funeral teas and special lunches put on after services, and with the proceeds make yearly donations in various causes such as the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, Salvation Army, Mental Health, Sunday School and Vestry.

Altar Guild is a group that is responsible for setting the Altar for our services. They also arrange our Altar flowers. They meet every eight weeks, on Wednesdays at 11:30am.

Pastoral Visitors are men and women who visit with people in their homes, seniors homes, and in the hospital. The visits consist of listening, sharing conversation, and praying. Sometimes communion is shared by a trained lay distributor. When visitation is restricted, we keep in touch by telephone and video chat.

Choir is composed of both men and women. They currently meet 30 minutes prior to our services on Sundays for practice. 

Our Building Committee takes care of the maintenance and renovation needs of our beautiful church and rectory and meet on an ad hoc basis. Handy-men and handy-women are always welcome!