Children's Ministry


There is a small Nursery area with age appropriate toys and books directly through the door at the back of the church for ages 0-3. This is provided to aid those who are caring for the littlest among us. Please know that we love to have children with us!

Sunday School

During our Sunday 10:30am service from September through June we have a Sunday School program. After the gospel is read, all children are invited to the front for the children’s talk. (Feel free to keep your child in the pew if they are shy.) Following the talk, they are dismissed out of the sanctuary to their classrooms in the church hall.

There is a junior group (ages 4-6) and a senior group (ages 7-10). Older children (ages 11-12) generally assist with the junior group. Visiting children are very welcome to join us! Parents or teens wishing to tag along are also welcome. Every Sunday we have an honorary “grandparent” from the congregation to help assist the Sunday school teachers and build relationships with the children of the church.

During the service

When there is no Sunday School, or for those who would like to stay with their parents in the church, there are “busy bags” for visitors available in the foyer and a few activities and toys at the back of the church.


Regarding children and communion, the official Anglican position is that any baptised Christian is able to receive communion if their conscience (or in the case of children, their parent) allows. If you are interested in baptism for yourself or your child, or in preparing your child to receive communion for the first time, please speak with Rev. Chris.